Our Financial Independence Journey: From Dream to Reality

Hey there, freedom lovers! Tatiana and I have some exciting news to share. But first, grab a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice), get comfy, and let’s chat about our wild ride to financial independence.

The Big Reveal: We Did It!

Drum roll, please… We’ve officially achieved financial independence!

Yes, you read that right. On January 14th, while I was battling a nasty cold and checking our accounts from bed (because who doesn’t do financial planning when they’re sick?), I saw the magic number we’ve been chasing for years. Talk about a surreal moment!

Our FI Journey: A Quick Rewind

Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane:

  1. 2012: We discovered the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) concept.
  2. 2012-2017: We worked our 9-to-5 jobs, saved like crazy, and dreamed big.
  3. January 2017: We hit our target! Our Freedom Fund can now support $35,574 in annual expenses.

Freedom Fund Progress: The Numbers Don’t Lie

Now, let’s talk numbers. After all, this is a money blog, right? Here’s how our Freedom Fund performed in January:

  • Our Freedom Fund increased to 101% of our goal!
  • This represents a 4% increase from the previous month.
  • If we retired today, our investments could cover up to $35,574 in annual expenses.
  • We’re $574 over our initial goal. (Extra padding never hurts!)

The market had a nice return this month, but we also kept our spending in check. That combination of market growth and disciplined saving gave our Freedom Fund the final push it needed to cross the finish line.

It’s worth noting that this growth came after some slower periods in 2016. From March to May and July to October, we saw sluggish progress. But persistence paid off, and the recent quick turnaround caught us by surprise in the best way possible!

achieving financial independence
Happy finances, happy marriage! 🙂

What Does Financial Independence Mean for Us?

Now that we’ve reached this milestone, you might be wondering:

  1. Are we quitting our jobs tomorrow? Nope, not just yet. We have a two-year transition plan that includes saving for a house and planning an exciting move abroad.
  2. Are we worried about market crashes? Not really. Our solid asset allocation strategy helps us sleep well at night. Plus, since we’re still working, any market dips just mean we’re buying at a discount!
  3. Are we done saving? Ha! We’re still maxing out those retirement accounts for the sweet company match and tax benefits.

The Power of FU Money

Reaching financial independence doesn’t mean we’re planning to sit on a beach sipping piña coladas for the rest of our lives (although that does sound tempting). What it does mean is that we now have what we like to call “FU money”—the power to walk away from situations that no longer serve us.

It’s like having a superpower. Suddenly, our choices are no longer dictated by a paycheck. We have more options, and they’re insanely better options!

Celebrating the Milestones (Even When You’re Sick)

Remember how I mentioned being sick when we hit our goal? It was a stark reminder of why it’s crucial to enjoy the journey and not just the destination. So here’s my advice to you: celebrate every milestone, take care of your health, and don’t forget to have fun along the way.

Speaking of fun, we splurged on Ricky Martin concert tickets for a Cinco de Mayo getaway. Because life’s too short not to dance, right?

What’s Next for Us?

The next two years are going to be a whirlwind of planning, saving, and preparing for our next big adventure. We’re excited to share this journey with you, so stay tuned!

While we’ve hit our FI number, we’re not stopping here. We’ll continue to grow our Freedom Fund to support future goals and provide an extra cushion. Because if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that financial security opens doors to incredible opportunities.

Your Turn!

We’d love to hear from you. How’s your FI journey going? What milestones are you celebrating? Are you tracking your own version of a Freedom Fund? Drop us a comment below and let’s chat!

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re close to your goal, keep pushing forward. Financial independence is possible, and trust me, it feels pretty darn amazing when you get there!

Until next time, keep saving and keep dreaming big!Until next time, keep saving and keep dreaming big!


José concluded his distinguished 13-year career at Vanguard at age 44, stepping away from corporate life to embrace an early retirement. As a project manager, he expertly orchestrated the creation and delivery of educational materials—both digital and print—for 401(k) participants, ensuring resources reached millions of investors. Today, he embraces life's simpler pleasures: quality time with family, pursuit of passion projects, discovery of new adventures, and leisurely meals in his garden oasis.

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7 years ago

Hey Congrats on reaching the FI figure you hoped for. Im sure it feels great to finally have met such a big goal. Yeah if your work situation is not so bad or stressful, why not work a bit longer to have a buffer. If work sucks I would leave as soon as possible. Good luck.

7 years ago
Reply to  EL

Hi Rich Uncle EL –
I agree. There’s no need to run for the door if the job situation isn’t uncomfortable. As we get to ready to make our retirement move, our investments will definitely create a nice buffer. Thanks!

Louis Bautista
Louis Bautista
8 years ago

Huge congrats to you guys! I am early in my journey, but I have you guys to thank for inspiring me to pursue this journey. Wish you a lot of success on your future endeavors.

8 years ago
Reply to  Louis Bautista

Thanks Louis! Glad we can be of inspiration. Consider yourself lucky that you found the FI journey much earlier. 🙂 I wish I did but no regrets here.

Alex C.
Alex C.
8 years ago

Congratulations!!! That must be such a relief! So what’s your next big goal?

8 years ago
Reply to  Alex C.

Thanks Alex,
Our next big financial goal, which is already in progress, is to save up the funds to either build or buy our home abroad. This will happen while we take care of a few things prior to retirement over the next couple of years so we’ll try to do as much as we can since we do have a retirement date in mind. Thanks for commenting.

Mr Crazy Kicks
8 years ago

Congratulations! I remember when we first realized we were FI, it’s a great feeling to be free from needing to work. Enjoy your success, you earned it 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Mr Crazy Kicks

Thanks! We can’t wait to be retired like you guys. It a great sense of accomplishment to realize that what the industry promotes as a 30 year goal (retirement savings) we got it done in less than 10, and well done. After all, how many retirees get to retire without counting social security or a part-time gig as part of their retirement funds?

Even though our routines haven’t changed, our mindsets feel a little different and I think that will also be reflected in the kind of posts that we’ll be writing moving forward. I guess it’s part of growing and learning. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by!

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